Strength in Numbers is a Powerful Tool in Fighting Homelessness

It takes a village, we are all in this together, and stronger together: are all phrases that I have often used and very much believe, when tackling many of the challenges life has thrown my way. In my time here at HomeAid, I have had the privilege to witness this concept of “strength in numbers" be a powerful force in making a difference in numerous lives across this country.

HomeAid’s strength is just this – we bring people together and create “villages” to combat the issue of homelessness. I have seen the amazing outcome of what bringing together builders, trades, corporations, and volunteers together with service providers can do for those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

HomeAid has been the fortunate recipient of thousands of volunteers throughout its 34-year history. The power of people coming together to help with tasks such as; fundraising events, distributing diapers, painting houses, landscaping, and various other tasks and projects is proof that we are stronger together when we come together to make a difference.

Life is busy, and everyone has countless things to do every day, yet people donate their precious time to make a difference to HomeAid daily. Rather it is to distribute millions of diapers in one day to over 40 service providers and diaper banks for
HomeAid Colorado’s Builders for Babies diaper drive, spending an entire Saturday at HomeAid Phoenix's Paint-a-thon rejuvenating a community, or collecting hundreds of coats, hats, and blankets during the Share the Warmth drive for HomeAid Puget Sound, our "village" always shows up.

“HomeAid Colorado is blessed to have incredible volunteers that share their expertise, time, friendship, and passion for the HomeAid mission to give others a second chance. Whether working on a fundraising event, a Care Day, or unloading
boxes of diapers the HAC volunteers impact not only our work but make long-lasting friendships with not only other volunteers and donors but also the people that we serve. I believe our volunteers are as much impacted by who we serve as HAC is by their service to us,” said Cindy Bell, HomeAid Colorado Executive Director.

The issue of homelessness is a complex one. The reasons individuals find themselves facing homelessness and the paths out of homelessness can be vast, to say the least, but together we have the power to build a future without homelessness.

To find out how you can become part of the HomeAid “Village” please visit


Building Tomorrow Together – Zonda’s Builder 100.


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