Got Diapers?

So how many diapers does a child go through in a year?

The number of diapers a child goes through in a year can vary depending on their age and how frequently they need to be changed, but on average, newborns may need up to ten to 12 diapers a day during the first month, which can add up to around 300 to 260 diapers in the first month alone. As they grow older, the number of diapers they require may decrease.
Assuming an average of eight diapers per day for the remainder of the year, a child would use approximately 2,920 diapers in a year.

The cost of diapering a child can vary depending on various factors, but if we assume an average cost of $.025 per diaper and an average of eight diapers used per day, the cost of diapering a child for one year would be upwards of $1,000. Government assistance programs generally cover welfare, food stamps, and Medicaid for low-income households in need, but diapers and wipes are typically not a commodity covered.

So, the cost of diapering a child can be a significant financial burden for low-income families or families experiencing homelessness. The cost of diapers can take up a significant portion of a family’s budget, and many families struggle to afford an adequate supply of diapers for their children.

According to a study by the National Diaper Bank Network, one in three families in the United States report experiencing diaper need, which is the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep a child clean, dry, and healthy. Diaper needs can lead to negative health outcomes for both infants and their parents, such as diaper rash, urinary tract infections, and mental health issues.

Fortunately, there are organizations such as HomeAid through our Community Engagement “Essentials” program that provides diapers to families in need. HomeAid partners with local social service provider partner agencies and local diaper banks to provide diapers and other essential items to families living in emergency shelters, interim housing, and affordable

HomeAid's Essentials program helps families struggling to keep their children healthy and safe in their homes. It provides families with the essentials they need for their children, leaving them better able to focus on the important things in life.

Over 20 years ago in 2002, HomeAid Atlanta began the Essentials drive to meet this need and the drive has grown where last year ten HomeAid affiliates in collaboration with several HomeAid building and nonprofit partners collected nearly four million diapers and over two million other critical baby items during the 2022 HomeAid Essentials Drives.

Because every family deserves a healthy start, I encourage you to donate a box of diapers and wipes today and help families in need. Please join HomeAid as a volunteer as we kick off the Essentials Drives across the nation and help us change people’s lives. HomeAid is dedicated to providing families in need – with the support and resources to survive during times of crisis.

If you are interested in supporting HomeAid’s Essentials drive efforts, you can contact your local HomeAid Affiliate to find out how you can get involved. You can also consider hosting a diaper drive or making a monetary donation to support their efforts.

Please spread the word about this year’s campaign and help us reach the maximum number of families in need across the nation.


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